Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to Control What Your Friends See About You in Their Facebook Tickers

Not everything that Facebook does is in the best interest of its users. Just look at past examples such as social adsfacial recognition, and instant personalization. Users were perfectly fine without these, and they still are. And now there's another annoying problem that Facebook users have to deal with—the ticker.
Facebook's ticker is that annoying updates box on the right-hand side of your account. It updates in real time, showing you all of your friends' current activity. This means you see everything your friends are doing on Facebook, including status updates, new friendships, fresh photos and videos, added links, page likes, game progress, and comments on everything there is to comment on.
How to Control What Your Friends See About You in Their Facebook Tickers
Right now, the ticker only appears when you're on the News Feed, and it hasn't invaded the right side of your personal account page yet. But still, some people just don't like this new addition to Facebook.
The good thing? It's not really showing anything that wasn't available before, which means it's not that much different than the actual News Feed. You can hide stories and friends just like you can from the News Feed, and anything you will or already have hidden from your News Feed applies to the new ticker. The only real difference is that it shows real time activity.
The bad? It's constant updating is a distraction and it shows everything your friends allow you to see, and reveals everything you do to your friends. And worst off... you can't remove it. But what if you just want to trash the whole ticker? You can't, but there are some ways to lessen the impact of it, in your eyes and in others'.

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